Monday, February 10, 2025


Puppy Class

Starting Wednesday the 19th at 5:30 PM

Level 1 - Puppy or Doggie Beginner

Prerequisite: None

Location: Newbury

Course Length: 6 Weeks

Ages: 3 months & up

Cost: $210 

Sign up on our website Beginner Level 1. Or email us at


  • Written exercises after each class so you can practice at home.
  •  Each week builds on the previous week’s work.
  •  Time in each class for specific questions.
  • Access to trainer on email so you can ask questions during the week.
  •  At the end of the 6 weeks, you and your pet will receive a certificate of achievement.

Start your puppy or dog off right and build a relationship using positive reinforcement training.

Learning includes:

  • Basic Cues: Sit, Wait, Come
  • Puppy/Doggie Manners
  • Socialization
  • Owner & Puppy/Doggie Relationship Building
  • Problem Solving Behaviors
  • Learning to Communicate with you puppy
Preparation for AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Test (optional) There is an additional fee.

Note: AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Test - Puppies up to 1 year old can take the test. Mixed breed & purebred dogs are welcome to take the test.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Don’t let the cold get you down. Join Trick Class with your dog and learn some new skills!

Trick Class One

This is an indoor class.

Space is limited so sign up soon! Pre-RegisterHere

Starting: Tuesday 11 February at 5:30 PM for 6 weeks

Prerequisite: Level One Class

Dog's Age: Any

Tricks we will be learning this time:

·       *Search for it   *Twist/Turn *Sit pretty   *Crawl *

*Sleep   *Left/right paw   * Bow   *Walk the plank

*Tunnel   *Jump over   *Hop in a box   *Get on/off

 * Treat on paw   *High Five   *Target with nose

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Life Enrichment for Our Senior Dog

Our dog River Song is 13 years old. We started to notice slowly over the last few years that she is starting to show her age. It started first with her inability to catch a frisbee. It was sad for us at first because she used to twirl mid-air to catch the frisbee.  Then we noticed she seemed to not be hearing as well. And she wanted to stay in bed a few hours longer than the other dogs.

For a while we stepped back and let her life shift naturally. Then we noticed that she seemed less and less eager to do anything.  It was time for a change in our perception. Yes, she was still getting old, but that did not mean that she could not have a fully enriched life. Here are some of the changes we made.

  • First and foremost, we make sure she was in great health and not in any pain
  • Getting up with the other dogs is rewarding as it established a positive routine which we reinforced with a treat
  • We greet her throughout the day with a bit of a rub and pat, while we talk to her.
  • We are doing daily "trick" refresher training. She does simple commands like sit, down, twist, and turn. This keeps her physically and mentally stimulated and gives her a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Plus, she loved the treats that came with successful trick performance.
  • She goes out with us and the other dogs, giving her the opportunity to play and interact.
  • We use both verbal and non-verbal cues to communicate with her effectively. Making eye contact when speaking to her and using hand signals when asking her to do things ensured that she understood and felt connected to us.

After a few weeks of these changes, we noticed a difference in her behavior. She became more engaged with us, eager to get up in the morning, and she loved trick training and the treats that came with it.

Tips for Enriching the Life of Your Senior Dog

Aging is a natural part of life, and it brings about changes not only for humans but also for our beloved pets. As dogs grow older, they may become less active and less engaged with their surroundings. However, this doesn't mean that their quality of life should diminish. With a few thoughtful changes and a bit of extra care, you can ensure that your older dog continues to lead a happy, enriched life.

If you have an older dog, there are many ways to enrich their life and keep them happy and healthy. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Veterinary Care: Ensure your dog has regular check-ups to monitor their health and address any issues promptly.
  • Mental Stimulation: Engage your dog in activities that challenge their mind, such as puzzle toys, trick training, or scent games.
  • Physical Activity: Keep your dog active with regular walks, playtime, and gentle exercises suitable for their age and health condition.
  • New Experiences: Take your dog to new places where they can experience new sights, sounds, smells, and people. This helps keep their senses sharp and prevents boredom.
  • Consistent Routines: Establish and maintain consistent daily routines to provide your dog with a sense of security and predictability.
  • Comfortable Living Environment: Ensure your dog has a comfortable place to rest, with soft bedding and easy access to food and water.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviors and reward your dog for their efforts.
  • Love and Attention: Spend quality time with your dog, giving them plenty of love, attention, and affection.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Class Starting Monday 21 October at 5:30PM

Level 2: Skill Building

Prerequisite: Puppy/Doggie Beginner Level 1 or Trainer Approval
Location: Newbury
Course Length: 6 classes meets once a week 
Course Cost: $210

Learn techniques for walking and communicating with your dog.
  • Build on the basic skills you have learned.
  • Learn additional cues: Target, Stay,  Recall and more
  • Introduce Leash Techniques
  • Introduce Training Techniques for Relaxed Walking
  • Introduce Greeting Techniques

Click here to Pre-register


Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Class Starting Tuesday the 8th at 5:30 PM

Level 1 - Puppy or Doggie Beginner

Prerequisite: None

Location: Newbury

Course Length: every  6 Weeks

Ages: 3 months & up

Cost: $210 

Sign up on our website Beginner Level 1. Or email us at


·         Written exercises after each class so you can practice at home.

·         Each week builds on the previous week’s work.

·         Time in each class for specific questions.

·         Access to trainer on email so you can ask questions during the week.

·         At the end of the 6 weeks, you and your pet will receive a certificate of achievement.

Start your puppy or dog off right and build a relationship using positive reinforcement training.

Learning includes:

·         Basic Cues: Sit, Wait, Come

·         Puppy/Doggie Manners

·         Socialization

·         Owner & Puppy/Doggie Relationship Building

·         Problem Solving Behaviors

·          Learning to Communicate with you puppy

·         Preparation for AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Test (optional) There is an additional fee.

Note: AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Test - Puppies up to 1 year old can take the test. Mixed breed & purebred dogs are welcome to take the test.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 New Classes Starting Soon!

Dogs Just Want to Have Fun - Agility One 

Starting this month  More Info

Fun Rally for Beginners 

Thursday 15 August at 5:30 PM More info

Level One- Beginner

Tuesday 6 August 5:30 PM More info